Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover Cover Crop Seeds
Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover Cover Crop Seeds
(2-3′ tall, first year. 6-8′ tall, second year) Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover is one of the best honeybee nectar sources as well as an excellent cover crop. Plants send roots up to 5′ deep making it extremely drought tolerant once established. Seedings done in mid-spring will start blooming in two months. The plants produce many flower spikes with sunshine yellow flowers. When grown as a cover crop it breaks up compacted soils, brings nutrients up from deep in the sub-soil and fixes nitrogen for future crops. The plants are tolerant of hot and cold weather. Sweet clover plants contains coumarin (an anticoagulant) and should not be planted in areas where livestock graze without expert advice.
Planting rate = 15 lbs./acre,
1 lb./1,000 sq. ft.
(Melilotus officinalis)
230,000 seeds/lb.; 7-10 days, 65-70ºF
Plant in full sun in well drained soil, can tolerate brief periods of flooding.
How we ship your seeds
Most of our seeds, with the exception of our retail packets, are sent to you in moisture resistant re-closable bags. Each bag is sized for the amount of seed inside and can keep the seed safe year after year with proper storage.
By using these durable bags, we are helping to ensure seeds stay at their peak longer and make things easier for you, the grower.
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